Annual Campaign Resource Center

What is the Annual Campaign?

The Annual Campaign is...

About People.

 The Y is a place where everyone is welcomed regardless of race, age, religion, orientation, or financial standing.

About providing resources to support those in need.

Contributions ensure no one is turned away due to a lack of funds. Instead, children and teens are provided access to programs offering safe outlets, positive role models, and opportunities to achieve their full potential. Families and individuals can grow and thrive through our wellness programs, childcare, camp, and aquatics.

An opportunity to help others and give back to our community.

The YMCA of East Valley is dedicated to helping children and families live healthier, more productive lives in spirit, mind, and body. Our Annual Campaign unites our community to raise funds for those who need us most.

Lisa and Melissa's Story

After relocating to the US, Lisa needed to enroll her daughter Melissa in a convenient, reliable daycare that served as a foundation for her growth and integration into a new community. The Y Afterschool program at Melissa’s school provided a secure environment for her to learn, play, and build meaningful connections. This dependable care not only allowed both parents to secure stable work and pursue studies, but also gave them the confidence that Melissa was in safe hands.

Thanks to the financial assistance from donors, Lisa was relieved knowing that Melissa was in a caring and stimulating environment. The support received also allowed Melissa to participate in other programs, such as dance classes and day camp (when school is out), fostering her social skills and helping her make friends. 

“I want to express my deepest gratitude for the steadfast commitment to the well-being of families like ours. The positive impact on Melissa’s growth and our family dynamics has been immeasurable. Thank you for establishing a sanctuary for families, a place where dreams are cultivated and futures are shaped, “shared Lisa.

Clickable Links for Volunteer Resources

Thank you for volunteering and being a part of this event to bring awareness to the community and help us with our biggest fundraising event of the year. We couldn't do it without you.